Greetings collection around the world by using local letters.

Fukui-ben is the dialect in Fukui prefecture(Fukui-ken), especially spoken in northern part like Fukui, Takefu and Sabae. The accent is totally different from standard Japanese, I can say there is no accent sometimes, funny accent sometimes. But some words are similar to Kansai-ben.(Around Osaka, Kyoto and Nara.)
It's because Fukui-ken has long shape, it's even located next to Kyoto, even though many people doesn't know about the fact. So various language came from west-side(Kansai) and east-side(Tokyo) after Meiji-era, then happened mixture, we guess. Actually, there are a lot of accent in Fukui-ken, it's like dialect chaos though, I teach you presentative Fukui-ben that modern Fukui people uses!

You can listen Fukui-ben by this button :D ->
I appreciate your donation for ice cream :D

Modern Fukui dialect course

Are you ready to learn? Let's start Fukui-ben!


Standard Ja.そうそう[So-so]
"Yes yes" or "Right right"
This is the easiest one. It's ok if you say just 1 "Hoya". But most of the time, we say 2 times.

Standard Ja.そうだよ[So-dayo]
"Yes, it is."
Fukui-ben's point is "Ho" on first.

Standard Ja.そうなんだよ[So-nandayo]
"Yes, exactly."
Agree strongly.

Standard Ja.そうだね[So-dane]
"Yes, you are right."
It's easy, right?


Standard Ja.ねぇねぇ[Nae-nae]
You can ask something or make attention to someone.


Standard Ja.すごく[Sugoku]
Fukui-benひって・ひっで・ひってもんに・ちっかっぺ[Hitte / Hidde/Hittemonni / Chikkappe]
Hitte = Hidde ≠ Chikkappe < Hittemonni
"Chikkappe" used by kids. Meaning from "Chikara ippai(Max power)"
Example - I was very angry!Standard Ja.すごく腹が立ったよ![Sugoku hara ga tattayo!]
Fukui-benひってもんに腹立ったって![Hittemonni hara tattatte!]


Standard Ja.でも・しかし[Demo/Shikasi]
Intonation is important.

Standard Ja.でもね[Demone]
"But, you know.."
If you add "no" at the end of Fukui-ben, sounds like a local!

Do it

Standard Ja.しなさい[Shinasai]
This is totally Fukui-ben. But the standard Japanese means "You die", so it's a dangerous phrase outside of Fukui.
Example - Do it quickly!Standard Ja.はやくしなさいよ[Hayaku shinasaiyo]
Fukui-benはよしねや[Hayo shineya]


Standard Ja.そうかな?[So-kana]
"Is it?"
The point of Fukui-ben is still "Ho" on first.

Standard Ja.そうだったかな?[Sou-dattakana]
"Was it?"
Fukui-ben uses "ke" at the end if it's asking something.

Let's ~

Standard Ja.~しようよ・~やろうよ[~ shiyo-yo/~ yaro-yo]
Fukui-ben~しよっせ(っさ)・~やろっせ(っさ)[~ shiyosse/ssa / ~ yarosse/ssa]
If you ask something to do together, Fukui-ben use "~sse" at the end. "~sse" is cool and young people uses. "~ssa" is old and slow people uses.
Example - Let's go to play.Standard Ja.遊びに行こうよ[Asobini iko-yo]
Fukui-ben遊びに行こっせ[Asobini ikosse]


Standard Ja.砂あらし[Suna-arashi]
V fuzz"TV fuzz"
We can't see TV fuzz these days, but there are just 4 channel in Fukui, so when we turned the channels, we used to watched TV fuzz many times.
Example - Oh, TV turned to TV fuzz.Standard Ja.あ、テレビが終った[A, Telebi ga owatta]
Fukui-benあ、テレビがじゃみじゃみになった[A, Telebi ga jamijami ni natta]

Standard Ja.怠け者[Namakemono]
Fukui-benだわ[Dawa] だわもん[Dawamon]
Lazy person"Lazy person"
Example - You are really lazy person! 母「ちょっとそこの新聞とってや」[Chotto Sokono Shinbun totteya]
子「えー、めんどくさい~」[E~, Mendokusai~]
母「あんたほんっとにだわもんやなぁ!」[Anta hontto ni dawamon yana!]
Mom: "Pass me the news paper"
Kid: "That's a bother"
Mom : "You are really lazy person!"

Standard Ja.うすら汚れ[Usura Yogore]
Slightly dirty"Slightly dirty"
Example この服、もう洗わなうそうそんなってるよ~。[Kono fuku, mou arawana Usouso'nn natteruyo~]
The shirt is slightly dirty, have to wash.

Standard Ja.正座[Seiza]
"Sitting Japanese style, with your legs folded under you"
We use this word for kids, or kids uses this word.

Standard Ja.口内炎[Ko-naien]
"Stomatitis" or "Canker sore"
Actually, "Kaze" means "(had a) cold" and "Netsu" means "Fever" in standard Japanese though, there is no connection between Standard Japanese and Fukui-ben.

Whaaaat? or No way~

Standard Ja.???
When we faced to something annoy or bother, we use this word.
Example - Whaaaat? Serious?Standard Ja.えー、マジ?[E~, Maji?]
Fukui-benおぇ~、マジきゃ?[Oe~, Majikya?]


Standard Ja.いない[Inai]
"No one here"
"In" is used around Old Echizen-cho and Old Nanjo-cho.
Example - No, she is not. 友1「まりちゃんいるー?」[Mari-chan iru~?]
友2「えんよ」[En yo]
Friend1: "Is Mari here?"
Friend2: "No, (she is not)"

Standard Ja.倒す[Taosu]
Example - Oh, I knocked over a bike.Standard Ja.あ、自転車倒しちゃった[A, jitensha taoshichatta]
Fukui-benあ、自転車かやしてもた(げの)[A, jitensha kayashite motageno]
"Knock over"
"I did ~", we say "~ shitemota" or "~ shitemotageno" in Fukui-ben. But if someone use "geno" on the end, sounds like a old woman.

Standard Ja.---
Fukui-benがぼる[Gaboru] ごぼる[Goboru]
Example - Oh, Foot fell into snow! 子供1「まりちゃん、雪山に上ると危ないよ~」[Mari-chan, yukiyama ni noboruto abunaiyo~]
子供2「大丈夫だってば~・・・ズボッ!」[Daijoubu datteba~...Zubott!]
子供2「うわぁ~! がぼってもたぁ!」[Uwa~! Gabottemota~!]
Kid1: Hey Mari, it's dangerous if you walk on snow bank!
Kid2: I'm OK~....oh no!!
Kid2: Wow~!! My foot fell into snow!!
"Foot fall into snow"
Fukui has a lot of snow in winter, so this word is just for snow area.

Standard Ja.古い、壊れかけている、使えそうにない[Furui]
Fukui-benおぞい[Ozoi] おぜぇー[Ozee]
Old"Old" or "Useless"
Example なに、このひっておっぜぇ~ラジカセ?[Nani, kono hitte ozee rajikase?]
What is this so old radio-cassette recorder?
When you try to be polite, use "Ozoi" better. "Ozee" is too wild.

Standard Ja.何気に・いつのまに[Nanigeni/Itsunomani]
We use this phrase with something funny feeling. It's like "How did you do it secretly?(LOL)".
Example 子供1「テスト何点やった?」[Tesuto nanten yatta?]
子供2「ん?・・・96点」[N? ...96ten]
子供1「なにしなぁ~っといい点取ってるんやって」[Nani shina~tto iiten totterunn yatte]
Kid1: What was your exam score?
Kid2: Ah? ....96point.
Kid1: You took such a good score secretly, man.

Standard Ja.塩辛い[Shiokarai]
We use this word for salty foods when it had too much salt or soy sauce.

Standard Ja.おもしろい[Omoshiroi] 奇妙な[Kimyona]
"Funny" or "Strange"
Young people use this for "Funny", old people use this for "Strange". We extend this phrase at the end, it's important.

Standard Ja.ギリギリまで[Girigiri made]
Fukui-benつるつるいっぱい[Tsurutsuru ippai]
"When liquid like a water is almost full in a cup"
Almost every Fukui-people thinks this word is standard Japanese, so when local people went to outside of Fukui, they will know it was just our dialect..!
Example おばちゃ~ん、このコップに水をつるつるいっぱい入れとっけの~。[Obacha~n, kono koppuni mizuwo tsurutsuru ippai iretokkeno~]
Old lady~, please fill up water in the glass.


Standard Ja.生意気(?)[Namaiki]
"Cheeky" or something not good feeling to person.
Example - He is such a cheeky.Standard Ja.あいつすごく嫌な奴だよね[Aitsu sugoku iyanayatu dayone]
Fukui-benあいつひってちょっれぇ~んじゃ[Aitsu hitte chorree nja]

Standard Ja.まぬけ(?)[Manuke]
Fukui-benのくてえ[Nokutee] のくとい[Nokutoi]
"Jackass" or something someone did stupid thing.
Example - I'm sure he is jackass.Standard Ja.あいつ、頭がアレなんじゃないの[Aitsu, atamaga are nanjanaino?]
Fukui-benあいつ、頭がのくてぇんじゃねぇの?[Aitsu, atamaga nokutee'nn janeeno?]
It's very similar to "Choree~", but real Fukui kids use these words correctly.

Finished Fukui Dialect Course!

You finished the course, so from now on you can be fake local Fukui people!! XD
Well then, we spread Fukui-ben over the world!!